Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A friend is a friend.

What makes a friend? Is it someone you can have fun with ? Could your lab partner be considered a friend? What makes a friend, a friend ?

If you knew who I was, would you call me your friend? Why? Is it because we have mutual friends? Is it because we have fun with each other? Could it be because everyone else is friends with me? Why would you call me your friend?

"I believe in Angels, the ones that heaven sends
I believe in Angels, but i call them my best friends"

"A friend will strengthen you with her prayers, bless you with her love, and encourage you with her hope."

! " I'd like to be the sort of friend that you have been to me. . . I'd like to be the help you've always been glad to be; I'd like to mean as much to you each minute of the day, as you have meant, old friend of mine, to me along the way."
Sent by Jenny Mcgehee

"A friend is like a rainbow. They brighten your life when you've been through a storm."
Sent by Jenna Palmer

The quotes above all don't talk about people who just say things. They mention actions. To brighten one's life, to walk with someone; actions that refer to things you do. This is probably because actions speak louder than words. As said in earlier blogs, I am not because of what I can do, I am because of what I decide to do. You are not my friend because of what you say. You are my friend because of what you do. Any one you meet can give you good advice, but it is those who will walk to you that matter.

Have you ever had that friend who seems to go to expecting you to be there for them just when there really is no one left for them. Have you ever had that friend who sits with you in class, just because there is no one else. But if they had the chance you know that they would have probably gone to those popular, or ''fun'' people first. Yes we connect through what we say, but when the test of friendship comes, it is what that person does that really shows the extent of how far they would go for you.

Would you really take a bullet for me when you can't even go somewhere with me because you don't want to get into trouble. Think about what you say and think about what you would do. We're all amazing talkers. I mean, I am a talker. I talk more than I walk, but if you ask me, I would walk my talk.

There is an article that I have included about what friendship is. I agree with it very much, we will go through lives with many aquaintances. Look at your friends. How many would you honestly confide in? How many can you really truly talk to. Yes, from what I have just described those people would be your best friends. But what makes a friend ? Are you my friend because we're in the same class? Or are you my friend because we have things in common. We use friends as too light of a word. We could easily decribe our best friends because those people are practically family to us. But how do we downgrade a friend. I use to say to many people when they try to conive favours from me,
We are not friends. You are my classmate we are aquaintances.

Just because we tell someone we're not friends, it doesn't mean we have any negative feelings towards them. That is not an aquaintance anymore. An aquaintance is probably much more like someone who's just there. Like a chair almost, but not as shallow. You have no hate for this person, nor do you have any like for this person. They're just there. You would identify with this person, that you are aware of this person being there. But you wouldn't exactly call them your friend.

So what is a friend?

We each have our own definition of a friend. Some, probably the social butterflies may consider everyone their friend. I consider many people a friend, but for me a friend is someone who I don't feel awkward about. Is that a friend?

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