Monday, May 18, 2009

How could I let that happen?

Every skyscraper stands out but without it's support it just comes tumbling down.

Going on this journey I call life I've met some quite amazing people. If I never met these people I'd probably be someone else. The thing is, I let these people drift away and it was when I let these people drift that my world came tumbling down. I looked for support in the wrong people and I just couldn't stand up again. I'm just happy to say that my worlds coming back to me. I've found the right people again and I'm doing better. Slowly I rebuild myself and all of that begins with my support. With out these people I really wouldn't be me and I have proved that I lost myself. A slow downhill fall, with my life spiraling out of control. I'm getting back on track and it's getting better.
These are letters made for the people in my life decide which one is for you.

I wanna say I'm sorry. I let you drift away and that was a really dumb move. I can say that I've suffered cause losing you in my life has made me lost myself. But that's what growing up is right? It's making decisions and mistakes and that's how we learn. If I didn't make these mistakes I wouldn't find the value in you. I've realized now that some people just have so much more worth that we let them realize. I've taken our friendship for granted and it wasn't till something else happened that I realized my stupidity. I honestly do not have common sense, I always thought I could do things alone. If people just 'disappeared' from my life I thought that I'd be able to do without them. It isn't till now that I realized no one disappears from your life unless you let them. I really want to say thank you that no matter what, you'll always be in my mind and heart. Looking in a mirror I'm not gonna forget that. I'm not gonna forget you.

Thank you! Thank you for being there for me. Thank you for sticking with my despite all my stupidity. Thank you for helping me realize stupid people in my life. Thank you for helping me see that I still have a lot to learn. Thank you for teaching me that it's okay to be imperfect, that it's okay to be loud and more. Thank you for sticking with me even if I pushed you away. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

New friends, old friends; is there really a difference? A friend is a friend. It's like a soulmate somehow. People believe that when you meet that soulmate you just have that instant attraction to them, even without getting to know them. You two just click. It's kind of like love at first sight. Well, new friends become old friends and I hope we stay like that for the rest of our lifes. Yes we have a million years to live, and I want to spend those million years with you.

Sorry, I've really been on this whole 'friendship hype'. I've just been so down and about with friends. I've been trying to realize who I am and who I'm not and who really holds my up. When I get really bothered by things like this I just keep writing or talking about it till it gets out of my system.

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