Saturday, May 9, 2009


We live in such a big world it would be impossible to please everyone without telling at least one lie. It's a very pessimistic way of looking at everything but without a doubt, it is a little bit true. We're in a world with 6,706,993,152 people. That`s 6,706,993,152 different people, 6,706,993,152 different personalities, 6,706,993,152 unique people. All of us were made to be one of a kind, yes we can find people we get along with but of course we'd find people with whom we couldn't get along with. So why do we continue to pursue success by creating a mask, or a new story for each person we meet. Who said being nice was to like everything someone else liked? Who said being nice was only possible if you could agree with everything someone else said? Who said that being nice wasn't achievable if you didn't like what someone else liked? The thing is, it is possible. With 6,706,993,152 different people in the world, and all the combinations of personalities you're bound to find something you like about that person. As that is possible you're going to find something you don't like. If a friend wants to vent about certain things I do, I absolutely understand. I'm not perfect, you're not perfect, no one is perfect. So why try to be? We all think differently. As long as my friend doesn't disgrace my own personality or mind I have no problem with it. That's how we grow up and learn. It is through constructive critism that we expand. I would want my friend to tell me, "Oh I didn't like that." Because if they didn't tell me things, how do I grow up? I'll continue these mistakes. I don't need a friend who wears a mask. No. I need a friend who will make me a better person. This doesn't mean I want someone who changes me to be like them. Again, 6,706,993,152 people in the world. Each one is different. But I would like someone to tell me when I'm doing something negative. No one wants a liar, just because your lie isn't a negative lie it doesn't mean it makes it any better. A lie is a lie. Lies can't please anyone.
If the only way I'll be happy with you is a lie, I'd rather be miserable.

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