Sunday, October 4, 2009

Imma be big.

They tell me I will never be.

They tell me I will never be who I am because they say its just to hard.

They crush my dreams, trying to protect me.

But in reality, they've just prevented me from being me.

From being who I really am, to who I can truly achieve to be.

They tell me to think realisticly, for the real world will 'eat me alive'.

But I can eat back. I can be strong. I have a voice.

I am realistic, for to me to be realistic is for me to live in reality. In reality I am real. Real. Real to be me. Free to be me.

I want to achieve my dream, for I know each day I am that much closer. But each day, I end up that much farther, for the words they tell me are my reality just pull me back from my ladder of hope.

Words that kill, like bullets to my soul. Leaving permanent wounds that will forever haunt my mind. "That's stupid. That's unreal. That's too big"

But I could never dream to big, because the bigger, the better.

I realize to dream big, I have to be big.

Bigger than these meager words. Big enough to crush them into pieces and get them out of my mind. Because these words are not mine so they do not belong in my mind.

They try, they try and they try. But I will not let them succeed.

I will not let them take my mind, my soul and my heart and terrorize them like 9/11. For I will not let them bring me down.

Haters can hate. But watch, one day they will appreciate what I've become, to who I am.

I am strong, I need no protection.

I am big like a skyscraper. A strong building that needs no armour, but instead a strong support system.

I have dream. A dream, I will make a reality. No matter how long it takes, I will be big. My mother says we all grow at different times.

Like a flower im gonna bloom.

The words they feed me like pesticide will have no affect over the love I recieve from my rain and my sun.

The words they feed me just prove to them to be a chemical, poison to my soul.

I am big with a mind of my own. A mind I have control over. I am my own. But never will I be alone.

Their words, they tempt me to give up like the devil tempting Jesus.

But I have angels. Angels that walk with me on the ground, that spread their wings to help me up.