Saturday, June 27, 2009

What's The Difference?

We, as a society live with hypocricy, as a society. We have groups advocating towards anti-bullying. Telling us that cyber bullying is wrong. But its still not helping a lot. The reason is, from my view that is. Is that media is the reason for it.

We use media to express our medium or message to our audience. But its not working. Bullying isn't declining quite quickly, though people are becoming more aware. Well it's because the media itself bullies.
Think about it. We see celebrities constantly gossiped about. We see their faults being picked at. We see their whole lives as someone reveals it to the whole world. Celebrities have parodies and art made of them that make fun of them.

Well, would we ever allow one to do that to a 'normal' person? So why do we accept it when it happens to a celebrity. Celebrities, or more so actresses or singers should not have to pay a price for their industry. If fame and hate is this price, have we forgotten what our faith tells us? The Golden Rule always taught us to treat others as we would like to be treated.

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